New Book from Joey Ragona...
"Reveals...How to Get
More Freedom And Wealth
From Real Estate Investing
Without Wasting Time"
...Even If You Don't Have An Investment Property Yet.

Joey Ragona
From the Desk of Joey Ragona
Oakville, ON
Dear Friend,
If you want to gain more freedom and wealth from real estate investing without wasting any more time, this is the most important book you’ll ever read.
But before we go any further, let me make something abundantly clear.
This isn’t one of those get-rich-overnight real estate books that promise you can make a fortune and live the life between two palm trees and a hammock beginning tomorrow.
So if you are:
This book ISN'T for you.
Because there’s plenty of people out there who will sell you exactly what you want to hear.
Which Brings Me to My Next Point
This new book is NOT even a typical real estate ‘how-to’ book.
The simple reason is, there’s no shortage of real estate books already out there that are great at teaching investment strategies.
So I don’t need to re-state what’s out there.
That being said, this book WILL show you my Hypersonic Investing Strategy.
In fact, you’ll learn how to gain more freedom by actually doing LESS.

But There's A Serious Catch
Here it is.
Everyone wants to know how to make money in real estate.
Buying an investment property is basically all about some form of freedom.
I’ve used what I’m giving you, to build my own real estate business. Which ultimately gives me more freedom.
Not only that, I’ve done it with dozens of private clients as well.
And I can work for you too.
But you have to put the work in.
The system I outlined in the book is working great for me. It’s working great for my clients and hundreds of other real estate investors I’ve shown.
I believe it can help you too, but I’m not suggesting that everyone who reads it is going to be reach beyond belief investing in real estate.
I don’t know how much the people who read it will make. It’s likely that many of them will make little or nothing at all, especially if they don’t follow the directions and work hard at building a true business.
I’m guessing that you and I have never met. So I’m not going to insult your intelligence by telling you this book will make you rich.
At the end of the day, you are the only person who can make you rich. Not me, not a book, not a seminar and certainly not some real estate guru.
So with that understood, let me tell you…
Here's Exactly What You're Getting

This book is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever read about real estate investing.
Because it’s more of a ‘handbook’ to conquer the fear and inner dialogue you might be having that holds you back from success.
So there’s no fluff or filler stuff in it.
You’ll immediately dive into the real stuff.
Also, I don’t sugarcoat things.
I talk about unpopular truths.
And like I said, I don’t make any false promises.
That’s why it works.
Plus, it’s easy to read.
Even at 153 pages, you’ll be able to read it in an afternoon.
When you’re finished, you’ll have the the entire system I use with all my private coaching clients to get them dialled in and focused on their real estate model, and on the way to building their business so they can have the freedom they want.
It's MORE About Just Real Estate Investing
This will help you clear out the crap from the concepts and common problems you might be faced with right now.
It will deliver the inner game of real estate investing success.
We’re going to get right down to business with the framework I have been teaching my high-level coaching clients for years, that will also get YOU moving in the right direction in building your real estate business.
We’ll begin the process of rewiring your mindset so you can see your version of success in a totally new, and effective way.
So like I said, there’s more to this little book than “just” real estate investing.
Here's a fraction of what you're getting:
- How to break down what freedom really is and why to invest in real estate
- The truth about real estate gurus and the false promises in today’s real estate investing seminars
- What you should never do when purchasing an investment property
- How to invest in property FAST!
- What to do if you want to get started in real estate investing
- How to tell the benefits of real estate investing
- How to eliminate the risks of investing in real estate
- When it’s OK to start real estate investing
You’re probably thinking “wow that’s a lot of different stuff about real estate investing…” and you’d be right because no one else is sharing this stuff.
But it gets even better because you’re also getting the Success Chart and the five simple ingredients you need to have a successful real estate business.
You’ll learn about the 2 major groups of real estate investors and quickly identify which group you fall into. If you want to get from fear to focus, knowing this critical distinction is already half the battle.
Plus, I’ll share the “Passion Trap” with you. This ONE THING alone keeps real estate investors handcuffed and overwhelmed, going in multiple directions and constantly wondering what their next steps are.
Here’s the deal.
I’ve spent the better part of a decade in seminar rooms just like you. Sitting beside real estate investors more successful than me, and ones who have been at those same meetings LONGER than me, but are still waiting for the right time, or the next piece of information to fill in the blanks.
So that’s why I give you two simple methods to conquer procrastination in this book. I’ve heard all the excuses and reasons why someone ‘can’t move forward.
So, this book is...
Filled With Raw And Factual Investing Tips That Unlock Real Estate Secrets...
…and a proven framework so you can finally break through the wall of FEAR to have profitable real estate investing.
Here's What I Want You To Do Next...
The “cost” of this book is $5.60 and you get it instantly as a download. As soon as you place your order, you’ll get an automated receipt and email with a link to download the book directly in your email.
You can access it anywhere immediately without having to wait for the mail man.
And in case you’re wondering…
This is a REAL Book -
And There is NO Catch!
Yeah, I know how you feel. There’s a lot of websites out there offering “books” - some are even “FREE.”
But then you get a crappy 20 page word document they saved as a PDF as the “book.”
All these guys wanna do is stick you on their list, grab your credit card info and start charging you monthly for a program you never signed up for in the first place…
This isn’t one of ‘em.
There’s no hidden ‘membership’ program you have to try or anything like that.
I’m literally giving you this 153-page book for a mere $5.60 as a means of putting my best foot forward in demonstrating real value.
Plus, I strongly believe in the message and strategies you’ll read in the book. It took a decade before I figured all this stuff out - and I really want to help you shortcut the journey.
My hope is that you’ll love it just as much and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
You can access it anywhere immediately without having to wait for the mail man.

Time is of the Essence
Here’s why:
In most cases, I take a loss in selling the book at this price.
It costs me an average of $14.80 in advertising expenses to sell one book.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I’m making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what I’m giving you today and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.
But that doesn’t mean you’ll get a call from my sales team pressuring you, or anything like that.
It’s actually quite the opposite. I’m betting you’ll enjoy the book so much that you’ll call me.
Anyway, with all that said, this is a limited offer.
I’m not sure if this is going to work. I’m not even sure how long I’m willing to keep losing $14.80 every time I give this book to someone for $5.60, so if you want to take advantage of my temporary insanity, order right now
Oh - one more thing.
You're Also Getting My "Find Your Freedom Number" Training Video Free
During this training, I’ll walk you through a quick and easy method of finding your personal FREEDOM number so you can hit the ground running.
PLUS you’ll receive a second video training : the “Profit First” system.
I reveal the Profit First system to real estate investors inside private masterminds that cost $347 to attend. This system has been the SOLE reason my business has doubled in the past year alone.
I wish I would have known about it when I first started business over 30 years ago. Can you imagine where I would be today?
Anyway, you’ll get BOTH of those training absolutely FREE of charge. I want you to have them as my gift for checking out the book.
Oh - in case you're wondering...
You're Fully Protected by My Famous
"No B.S. 100% Guarantee"
Even though you’re only paying $5.60, I’m STILL guaranteeing you’ll love the book and the new video training, or I’ll return your $5.60 and let you keep the book and the videos anyway.
Yup - you don’t even have to send anything back! Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $5.60 with no questions asked.
Is that fair or what?
This is Truly a Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before I Come to my Senses.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Joey Ragona
P.S. In case you’re one of those people like me who skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal
I’m giving you a 153 page book that outlines how you can gain more freedom and wealth from real estate investing.
The book is $5.60.
I’m also walking you through the "Hypersonic Investing Strategy" I created that’s helping real estate investors get really clear about their next steps and where they are going so they stop wasting time.
Don’t worry, "hypersonic" isn’t another word for “get-rich-quick” B.S. stuff you may have been subject to already.
It’s a 100% “cool” strategy that I’ve used personally, and with my private coaching clients paying me $750/hr.
On top of all that, I’m giving you a new video training free, which will show you exactly how to Find your Freedom number so you can hit the ground running and implement what you learn in the book.
And, I’m not stopping there - you’re also getting a second video training I do with private mastermind clients. It’s called the “Profit First” system. This system alone has been the reason my business doubled in the past year.
It took me over 30 years to discover it, and I’m going to give it to you free of charge - just for checking out the book.
This is a very limited offer because I’m doing a marketing test right now.
And there’s absolutely no "catch" to this offer. You will not be charged any monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, I’m putting my famous “No B.S 100% Guarantee” in place here too. If you have any reason whatsoever for not agreeing this is an awesome book and FREE training, let me know, and I’ll even give you back the $5.60. You don’t have to send the book back. And you keep all the video training too.
Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.
The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this material. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this book. The information contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes. We do not believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this book.All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It's all the regular legal mumbo jumbo but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by.