September 28

The Secret to Happiness

cartwheelHey everyone, recently there has been an abundant amount of blogs and articles about the positive mental attitude movement.  I am happy to see more people receptive to the idea and have my own thoughts on how to achieve this easily every day.

I have adopted the ‘be happy’ mentality long ago and it is very simple to inject into your own life.  When you are happy, you project happiness, you look and sound happy and use positive words in conversations…your attitude delivers your positive projection to others.  So what does that mean?  It means attitude is a very important part of your positive movement.

As a test, the next time you are in a crabby mood, force yourself to get up and dance wildly, do cartwheels or something that requires happiness.  It will be very difficult because your attitude controls your mind and therefore you react like a puppet on strings.

Now if you understand that, then you will agree you have the power to CONTROL your attitude which will result in whether you feel happy or not right?  If you control your attitude, you end up sending a different set of controls to your mind of which your body, facial expressions, vocal expression and everything react.

Since learning how to and applying control of my own attitude, I feed off of other people’s great attitude; I look for people with positive attitude and filter those projecting the opposite.

How do you identify and Filter Negative People?

Easy; when you talk with someone else, look for the negative attitude signs:  their choice of words, body language (crossed arms, not facing you, too much distance etc) and facial expressions (not smiling, bored, very little eye contact), this should tell you their state of mind.

Identifying the most prominent signs of undesirable talk is easy:

  • “You can’t do that…”
  • “That will never work…”
  • “You have to be crazy to…

Those are all DIRECT negatives and easily identified.  Avoid having lengthy conversations with these types if you have them in your life.

It’s the more subtle negativity you need to learn to identify and ultimately remove from your daily life.

To help you identify them, people who project negativity choose to look at things from a problematic sense rather than an opportune one.  They see the wrong, bad or unfortunate side first and sometimes ONLY that.  Here’s an example:  My first investment was a real challenge – I made almost every mistake possible and it took a year and a half to recover and move forward from the experience.  In referencing that story, people will ask one of two questions:

  1. Tell me what you did wrong.
  2. Tell me what you learned from your mistakes.

Which one is the POSITIVE question?

They both are still looking for the same answer.  It is number two.  When I meet people asking a question such as number two, they are positive people…they are looking for WHAT we can GAIN from a challenging situation.  It is so subtle but once you realize what to look for, you can easily find positive influences in your life and begin to BE a positive influence.

It is one area I continue to improve and hope to help others with.


mindset, positivity

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