One of the best techniques I have learned from my business coach is the 50 Minute Focus (respect to Greg Habstritt and SimpleWealth). I’m sure you agree as Real Estate business entrepreneurs, we have a lot of stuff going on in our heads, both personal and business related. The work/life balance is great but have you ever THOUGHT about WHAT and HOW you can balance?
What’s the 50-Minute Focus?
If you are unfamiliar with the 50-minute-focus concept, it means you focus on ONE task for a full, uninterrupted 50 minutes and then take a PHYSICAL ten minute break; get up, walk around, get a glass of water etc.
In your 50 minutes, it means no interruptions:
- Phone calls (cell included)
- Internet (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
- “got-a-minute” chats
- etc
I practice this routine several times a day and if you really look at it, this means I am taking full one hour time slots to do one task instead of jumping around switch-tasking.
But, before you get into the routine of daily focus, you need to “dump” what’s in your head now.
I’ll bet your brain is so overwhelmed with stuff to remember, create and concentrate on, you are not even aware of it all. We think we have it all under-control, but every one of us has pushed all sorts of junk into the lower level of our brain to ‘keep on file’ so we can do what matters most today. You haven’t ‘forgotten’ about it, it’s just not on the front burner today.
Always Do A Clean ‘Dump’
One of the VERY first things I do with my coaching clients is have them do a 50-minute Memory Dump. This exercise proves the mess they have going on in their head and then it RELIEVES them of the pressure to ‘remember’ all of it because it’s now written down!!!
It’s like their brain breathes a sigh of relief “AHHHHHHHH”.
Your Turn – The Memory Dump Exercise
Time yourself for a FULL 50 minutes (here’s the free timer I use) write down EVERYTHING in your head … what you must do today, every day, this week, next month etc. Things like:
- Check online bank accounts
- Deposit rent cheques
- Look at new listings for opportunities
- Follow up with JV partner
- Walk the dog
- And so on….
Wait, “walk the dog?” You bet … remember, it’s everything you ‘must’ do even if it doesn’t seem important to your business … dump it onto your pages.
WARNING – When you do this, don’t stop writing after ten minutes when you THINK you are finished … trust me, you are not done! Force yourself to dig deeper. I just did this again and ended up with five (5) pages of stuff and I could have kept going.
THINK about that… FIVE pages of information that was still rolling around in my head.
Why Do A Memory Dump?
The main reason to do this is to relieve your brain of keeping track of everything – if you find you are always mentally exhausted, that’s probably one of the biggest reasons. Do you have trouble concentrating, are easily distracted? This will be a HUGE benefit to you because you will be able to focus more CLEARLY.
Post Below to let me know how this 50-minute-Memory Dump works for you – if you have any questions I’ll help you get more focus and relieve the stress that is buried in your mind!
Information Overload! After I did the first 50 minutes of Memory dump I have 61…and as I'm typing…68 things on my list:)
My brain memory stick feels lighter. I'm sure I'll need at least 2 more for full defragmentation:)
Thanks Joey!
That's awesome Mike !!! Thanks for sharing! That's a lot to carry around in that 3-pound muscle in your head huh? Dig deeper, you will find there are very 'minute' things you can jot down to release the subconscious level as well, this is when the real magic happens!! Thank you for the message! I appreciate your input!
Hi Joey,
I was reading this after you posted on Facebook yesterday and thought I'd share this "trigger list" which is a good way to get you thinking about different areas where things may be hanging out in the back of your mind.
Thanks Andrew!!!