This is going to help you if you’re challenged with getting people to invest with you.

A few years ago when I was ‘chasing’ people down – almost stalking them, real estate was the ONLY important thing to me.

I talked about it ALL the time.

I tried “turning all conversations into real estate.”

But that got me labeled as “the guy that only talks real estate” in all my social circles.

People avoided talking to me. ( except for my real estate investing peeps of course LOL )

But that’s also because I took it to the extreme.

It’s hard to admit, but I really didn’t care what people said or talked about…UNLESS it was about real estate.

When I was using ‘lines’ or ‘scripts’,  I wouldn’t listen to the answers.  I just waited until their lips stopped moving and I went on to the next step in the sequence.

Not good.

What’s scary is – investors are STILL looking for this type of ‘method’ to attract JVS.

They want a ‘checklist’ of what to say, when to say it and HOW to say it.

Doesn’t work that way.

Yea, there are opening conversation helpers like my elevator pitch formula and some overall ways to answer common questions  ( you’ll find both of those here ), but there’s no true way of ‘convincing’ your JV prospect aside from understanding what they want.

What’s Your Agenda?

You’ve probably got an agenda with your real estate investing right?

Maybe it’s to make ten thousand a month, or quit your job, or buy the awesome car you’ve always wanted.

Guess what; your JV prospects have a different agenda (read: it’s NOT the same as yours)

Real estate is probably not the most important thing on their mind.

That’s the reality.  It’s YOUR reality.

To get people interested in your real estate deals, you have to understand THEIR reality first.

Understand completely what they want and what they need to solve…

And then position your real estate investment as the solution to the problems and frustrations they have in their reality.

If you’re reality is to get out of your crappy day job as fast as possible, and you start telling them how real estate will do THAT for them, what happens if they love their job?

What if they feel it gives them the ‘security’ they need.

BIG disconnect – that’s what!

TANGENT WARNING:  as an example; if a JV prospect told me a job was secure, I would immediately go into ‘education’ mode.  Explaining (read: defending) how ‘security’ was a crock and anything can happen.

Blah blah blah.

They didn’t wanna hear that.

There was a disconnect.

All of a sudden I was ‘teaching’ them about shit they didn’t care about.

And I lost ’em.

I was stuck in my reality and what I thought they needed.

How Do You Know Their Reality?

By having a relationship with them.

In my experience coaching people and training them with my JV Presentation Formula, the ONE area that is most ignored, is relationship building.

Know why?

‘Cause it’s tooooooo damn sloooooooow.

But the “I want it now” syndrome is holding real estate investors back.

Sounds counter-intuitive, but trust me, investors chase someone down, give them a pitch and presentation, and when their prospect says “I’ll think about it”, they move on to look for someone else.

Here’s the problem

I’m going to share a tip from my JV Presentation Formula:  “if you don’t have a relationship that is OUTSIDE of real estate, there’s nothing more to communicate”

Remember my big dilemma of JUST talking about real estate?

Well that’s what kept me constantly looking for ‘new’ people.

I was always trying to CONVINCE & CHANGE people’s minds rather than getting to know them on different levels and interests.

Your JV prospects have other things going on in their lives.

Real estate is NOT the be-and-end-all for them.

What ARE those other things?  What are they concerned about?  What frustrates them?  What do they want to achieve?  What do they want to avoid?

Tap into THEIR reality, and then help them solve their REAL world problems.

Did you like this?  Why not let me know what you think?  Keep the conversation going below!

– Joey



joint venture real estate, JV real estate, real estate investing in Canada, success

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