August 31

The Comfort Zone

care freeAfter returning from a last minute decision to absorb the Multi-Family event in Edmonton with all my REIN friends and colleagues, I thought about what it took for me to actually get off my A – – and go. Truly, it was a choice to either step outside my comfort zone or not.

My trip was decided literally last minute with zero time to make up a great excuse to stick in Toronto.  It was black or white…go or don’t period.  I felt anxiety, I was indecisive, I wondered if things would work out, where would we stay?   The very fact I had no time to make an ‘educated’ decision forced me to step outside my comfort zone.

Trust me, I’m not a traveler – never have been.  I get home sick very quickly because I’m used to my habitat – and that is another blog for another day.  But this weekend decision to just get up and go, leave my family and ‘chillin out time’  proved my new growth over the last 24 months.  For me, it was the encouragement of personal friends and colleagues in REIN whom made it very easy to enjoy a stroll outside my norm and I am truly grateful for that.

I’m sure as you read this, this and this post you will become more familiar with me. I’m also positive you can see that I truly identify and admit my strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerability; I know who I am as a core person.  But many still have trouble with this one area of identification and one I hope to help.

I have found when asking people to identify their comfort zone it comes down to one of two conclusions:

1)      They don’t know what it is.

2)      They know what it is but refuse to step out.

I would say MOST people are in category two.  They identify their zone, SAY they want to step outside but they don’t…usually; more than 90% of them actually. Sadly, this state of mind or FEAR (which is what it really boils down to) completely limits them on an emotional, physical and financial level even though they see their immediate circle move beyond them.

I’ve been in my comfort zone WAY too long – thirty years and to change all that in less than two years is incredible.  I HAVE stepped out and you know what?  I didn’t crash and burn.  Don’t use my time-line as your excuse “see, YOU took this long Joe”, it was completely wrong.  Identify your zone and feel good where you are, but don’t settle in with a bag of chips and a converter watching the same episode over and over.

Guess what.  I’m in a NEW comfort zone that I will soon need to step out of.  It is how we grow as human beings, as business men and women, as fathers and mothers, as friends and important supporters of our communitiesPlease take this important message to heart.

I stopped coveting other people and decided to walk amongst them.  For me, it was the people I see every day pressing forward deciding on change and action in order to achieve their dreams.  They are constantly upgrading their comfort zone and that amazes me.   I now understand how to fully engage in something new to CREATE my new comfort zone…I do not sit back and hope magically I will be like others I model – I MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Remember, a dream without action is only a wish.  Think about how many ‘dreams’ you have let go because your comfort zone encompasses your fears.  You absolutely MUST face and overcome them to move to the next level…and achieve your dreams.


Business & Personal Development, Fear, REIN

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