December 16

The Most Successful Place to Invest – It Always Works

successI remember the single most important question I had when I began investing in Real Estate:  “where do I invest?”

Today, I help entrepreneurs and novice real estate investors answer that very same question.

It has taken me most of my life, but I’ve figured out the BEST PLACE to invest; one that NEVER FAILS.

That’s a very bold statement don’t you think?  But I’m very confident in my research and before today, I have never actually revealed what I believe is the BEST PLACE TO INVEST other than to those people I work with.  Would you like to know where that place is?


…Yourself.  First and foremost, this is the only true place you can invest where your ROI (return on investment) will NEVER be negative.  You will always be a winner investing in you.

This is because there is ALWAYS something you will learn – to make you a better Real Estate investor.

I can see the eyes rolling now.  But take note, what you learn in the next five minutes should change your life.

The amount of information available today is mind boggling.  With access to the Internet, we can research until our hearts content.  We can read opinions, debates and reviews and decide with whom we agree and disagree.  We want the ultimate answer in the shortest amount of time and without doing any work.

The golden answer is within you – it’s what YOU learn and apply that turns to gold; it is, your return on investment.


Education & self-improvement are the two prime areas in which successful people concentrate.  For the average person starting a business, they may go to a start-up course and read a book or two thinking they are all set.  This is a recipe for failure.  It doesn’t take long for the business operation to take over their lives and they ignore opportunities to learn new strategies, or refresh what they already know.

Is this what highly successful people do? Not at all.  They invest in themselves, they clear the clutter from their lives and they continue to focus on what made them successful while letting everyone else do, well…everything else.


You may not have the same mindset as successful people if you feel investing $500 or $1000 to attend yet another Real Estate seminar or workshop is a waste of time, energy and money because you do not come home with the magic formula to make it big Monday morning.   What if you attended and decided “this is not for me”  would that too be a waste?

I tend to think the way Thomas Edison did (not that I’m comparing myself in any way) when he had failed attempts inventing the light-bulb.  He would say “great, I know of ONE MORE thing that DOESN’T work” and each time he failed, he knew he was closer to the answer.  That was not only an investment in himself & his future but he considered it a ‘success’ in his mind.

I LOVE THAT.  And, I’ve used that to frame my mindset from a very early age.

This is how you must begin to think – no matter what the outcome from reading a book, attending a seminar or going through a coaching program for instance, you will have learned something that is of value to you.  EVEN IF YOU LEARN IT IS NOT FOR YOU!!!! You have saved time and energy AND future money by not continuously chasing.

That’s why you can never lose investing in you.

Do you get that?

My office, bedside and iPod (and my ‘throne’) are littered with education books and home study course material – I invest thousands of dollars a year in MYSELF to be a better person & an improved businessman just to continue my journey.  I’ve ALREADY spent tens of thousands in education up to now isn’t that enough?  You know my answer.

I quote Don R. Campbell of REIN : “don’t get caught up in the professor syndrome” which basically means to me ‘don’t think you know it all, because you never will.’  Take advantage of the resources of information and continuously invest in yourself.

I’m a true believer of investment in both tangible assets and the most valuable asset I will every ownME.


Financial Freedom, mindset, Real Estate Investment Network, REIN

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  1. It feels good to know the answer…not because " I know it all" because I believe in the same things as you. Reading you Joe, feels good …you keep confirming my internal voice…letting it all out … allowing others to know this shows that you are not alone…neither am I! YOU ROCK! Diane Leahy

  2. Hey Diane!!! It doesn't surprise me that you knew the answer…we have learned much from each other haven't we? It feels great to inspire people like you and I will do more to help confirm your internal voice in 2011!!! I trust there are way more people that think like us and I hope to have this forum a great place for everyone to meet!!! Thanks again for ALL your support, not just here!!!

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