May 14

New Secrets To Your Real Estate Investor Presentation Pitch

The best real estate investor presentation pitch is not only one that spells out how much money someone will make, it also includes solutions that speak to a SPECIFIC investor’s fears, frustrations, wants and desires.

I find so many people make the mistake of thinking they need ONE perfect magical phrase that’s going to be THE marketing language they use forever.

A New Standard for the Real Estate Investor Presentation Pitch

You need to know who your “customer avatar” is as well as know their HOT buttons. I learned about the avatar when I was with Eben Pagan. I’ve been teaching it to my private consulting clients ever since. ( plug time: I’ll be teaching it extensively in my new Joint Venture Presentation Formula Masters program  )

The customer avatar is a cool way to describe your ideal customer. But it goes much further than that. I won’t jump into any detail here, but essentially you want your elevator pitch to be so bang-on that you ALIENATE your NON PROSPECTS.

Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you should be trying to attract EVERYONE.

It’s exactly the opposite. You want MOST people to say “wow, that’s just NOT for me” because it will zero in on the PERFECT customer for you.

It will help eliminate the time wasters. I’m sure you’ll agree that you need to use all of your scarce time effectively.

Most of my clients are shocked when I teach them this because they’ve been brainwashed to think like everyone else.

Let me be the one to tell you if you don’t already realize it: there’s a new movement in the world of business. There’s a new way we communicate to potential customers and if you don’t start shifting, you will be left behind faster than it takes you to read this post.

What is the Elevator Pitch’s Purpose?

The elevator pitch’s primary purpose is to set up communication – it’s NEVER about selling on the spot. (read: another huge mistake real estate investors make)

You just want to pique curiosity, trigger an EMOTIONAL connection using specific HOT button words that speaks to people’s fears and frustrations, wants and desires so they want to learn MORE from you.

You’ll know you have a winner when you hear something like “Really? How do you do that?”

After you have someone’s attention, your job is to communicate value to them. It is to GAIN their trust. Over time.

Read that last line again.  Over TIME.

MOST Real Estate investors are very impatient people. This will KILL your joint venture possibilities.

I cannot stress the importance of building a relationship with your potential partners and massaging it over time. The elevator pitch is only there to ‘open the door’.

What Should I Say?

Now I’m NOT a fan of the ‘script’ stuff that a lot of people are teaching – I believe it’s cold, robotic and I have seen so many people stumble over trying to remember the phrase.

However, I think you SHOULD use a framework. A framework lays out the pieces you need to use and all you do is fit the information in. It also allows you to ‘mess’ around with your phrasing.

Here’s just ONE framework I use:

I help (people who) [specific JV Avatar]
Who [specific problem]
Achieve / Get … [specific result]
In / With / Without … [specific convenience]

Hook question: “do you know anyone who…[RECAP]?

As an example:

“I help people investing in mutual funds & stocks who are constantly losing money no matter what they do get back on the winning side without paying any more hidden fees to a financial planner. Do you know anyone who has lost money in the financial markets?”

Can you see how this would spark the question “How do you do that?”

Anyway, just thought I’d share some tips to help you attract more people using the new movement of marketing to people!!!

Share your real estate investor presentation elevator pitch below!!!

– Joey


Investor Presentation, joint venture real estate, JV real estate, real estate investing in Canada, real estate pitch, success

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