May 26

5 Tips To Starting A Productive Day

paperworkIf you are one of those entrepreneurs who struggle with getting through your day productively, then you are not alone.

There have been many days I have intended to work on something important and by 5:30 when it’s time to grab some dinner; I still have yet to accomplish what I set out to do at 8am.

Does this sound familiar?

It’s because we have too many controlling forces in our lives that dictate our day.  If you feel like you have “gotten nothing done” by the end of your day, YOU are not in control of your day, no matter how much you THINK you are.

Some ways people start the day

  • Reading or watching the news
  • Checking their iPhone or BlackBerry for email
  • Having a cigarette


For instance, if the first thing you do in the morning is turn on the news or fire up your phone to check on email, what you are doing is letting others control your life.  Think about it, the events you watch or email you read, sets your mind in a reactive state.

I’m VERY guilty of this and it wasn’t until this past weekend sitting in a private coaching program with Eben Pagan did I realize it.   I thought by avoiding the news for the past five years or so was already great!! But it’s the other controlling factor (specifically my BlackBerry) that was setting up my day.

Here’s Why

As soon as I awoke, the BlackBerry would be on so I could check “quick” emails and jump on Facebook and Twitter to see what I missed in the last 12 hours, comment and update my status.  Does that sound like someone YOU know?

Then, it’s downstairs for a cup-o-jo, say hi to my wife who was already up for a half hour getting lunches ready and right back upstairs to puddle around on the internet while I “woke up” and waited for the kids to get up.  I’d go back downstairs to spend a few minutes with my son and daughter until they left for school and then right back up to the office to start my day.

I thought, this was a pretty cool balance and I was still in control.

That’s total BS.  The work had already consumed my mind the minute I checked my BlackBerry.  I hadn’t even had breakfast before I was replying to email.  I was never fully present even for those 20 minutes in the morning with my kids because the BB was still in reach and when it dinged, I ranWhat, in those twenty minutes is so damn important that can’t wait?

Does this resonate with you?

Here’s how I took back my day:

  1. Ignore the BlackBerry when I awake – sure it’s hard for us serial entrepreneurs, but the first thing I do now is go downstairs to be with my wife and spend time with the kidsMy phone is nowhere in sight.
  2. Instead of coffee immediately, I drink half a litre of water to get my body hydrated from the night before.  I then do not need caffeine for a false stimulus.
  3. When they leave, I take a 20 minute walk in the fresh air listening to whatever jazzes me that morning, usually self-motivation stuff.
  4. When I return, I eat a full breakfast.
  5. I then take some time for me, at least 20 or 30 minutes of self-improvement, study, reading whatever…

Now keep in mind, this is already TWO HOURS into my day and I have yet to turn on the computer, or check email.  I have chosen to build MYSELF before anything else.

When I finally do fire up the computers, I focus on HIGH VALUE projects first.  The only way to be successful is to master yourself and “the highest leverage you can get in business, is yourself” (Eben Pagen)

Using this new found start to my day, I am in full control and I have NOT started my day under stress or under the urgency of anyone.

I hope this helps you control more of YOUR day & I would LOVE to hear your thoughts.  Post below and tell me what you do to start the day or if this has helped you in any way.

Special shouts to Dave Peniuk, Julie Broad and Eben Pagan for these great insights.


mindset, productivity

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  1. Great post Joe! I am going to have to incorporate some of the steps to start my day off right. What do you think about a greens drink (such as athletic greens) to start the day? 🙂

  2. Thanks Bill,

    Definitely think the greens are important – a healthy start with greens can only be a good thing. Have you been on it long? What are your thoughts?

  3. Let me know if you are still doing this after a month or two. And what you've learned while breaking old habits and creating new ones.

  4. You bet Todor, I've been focused on it and linking the benefits to my ultimate outcome so I am basically forming a new habit. I'll keep you updated

  5. That is so cool Shae. I have been at this strong, very disciplined for almost two weeks. Yes, it's a short time period but I can tell you that once my mind is made up, that's it. The regiment also is on weekends. I feel better already (meaning I can speed walk the entire 20 without losing my breath) and my morning is dedicated to my development. Anyone else reading this should consider how the distractions (email, telephone, etc) control your day and learn to control how they interact with you. Thanks for all the support Shae!

  6. Solid advice, Joey. It is so easy to get distracted by all the information being pushed your way. I know if I don't stick to my routine, I can easily get distracted by emails and other nonsense and would never get anything done.

  7. It so is Joshua, and the minute I changed this, I notice more and more how people are attached to their digital devices. The 30 minutes at my daughter's dance recital with "dads showing up" but glued to their iPad and BlackBerry – how insane is that? Showing up doesn't count, it's being PRESENT that does. I'm all for technology, I love it in fact, but like you said, if I don't take back my day, I'll be back to wasting all of my day and having to 'work late' because there was so much to do. For every distraction, it takes you at least 15 minutes to re-focus.

  8. Hi Joey, so true. I realized the same thing for me a week or 2 ago. For me, its esp when I went to bed, I could not help but see what's on twitter. My mind was then thinking & I would not be able to sleep as early as I wanted. So now, no more twitter… I'll also "ignore" some emails too… So that I dont waste my time on uncessary stuffs. Thanks for sharing! Glad that I'm not the only one… No more Crackberry!!!

  9. Hi Nathalie, the power is in controlling how you attend to those distractions. It's ok to reply to email and twitter but too many of us are stuck in front of the screen updating and worrying what other people are up to or even wanting to make sure people know what's up with us. The important part is doing what is of very high value to you and your business – updating twitter or letting your email control your day is not it. I'm glad you have moved toward taking back your day and removing what is not providing value.

  10. That's so great to read Mike!! As soon as you do that and spend the time with your family or on YOU … you will see how your day begins in an even better way. You are in control of it from the moment you wake up. For me, by getting up now and taking 20-30 minutes of intense walking outside I have cut out the need for caffeine – the energy I create from the exercise gets me going!!! Thanks for the kind response!

  11. As always, what an awesome insight Joey! Thank you for reminding me how important it is to start the day off right. It's so EASY to fall back into old habits and it takes a conscious effort to take control from the get go. Thanks for this!

  12. Oliver, you nailed it … habits is the key word.  To change our lives in any area we need to change and adopt new habits.  The reason people fall back into their old ones is because they are comfortable with them – when we focus on the outcome rather than what we must go through, it makes things easier.  So, congratulations for taking back your morning and working on the most important leverage – you.  Thanks for all your support, friendship and great addition to the Engaged Investor!!!

  13. Thanks again man. Didn't check my emails till late morning. Definitely fought the urge. After seeing the family off, I went out for a 25 minute walk along the water. Brought a big bottle of water. When I got home, I focused on items that needed to be done and I was more present. You rock bro. Keep the insights coming. We all appreciate it greatly.

  14. That's awesome to hear Mike. I can't take the credit, I'm just passing along all the information I get so it helps everyone! The more you are present, the more productive you are !

  15. Great piece. If done consistently they make a WORLD of difference. Build yourself, then "eat the frog."

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