July 12

Freedom Friday Real Estate Business Strategy

I just sent this to my private business list and got so much great feedback I felt like I was keeping it from the world…so here it is:

Freedom Friday is something I’ve coined for a while now and it seems to be catching on.

Freedom Friday in my definition is a day that we do “whatever comes up”

Sometimes it’s some extra work.  Maybe it’s filing away some of the mess.  It could be “let’s go have a round of golf”.


We’re entrepreneurs dammit.  It’s hard to keep all that focus and strategic decisions in line all week long.

For those of us who have the world racing at us at a million miles an hour, it’s a day where we can CHOOSE to REACT to the phone calls and the flurry of email if it be.

So Fridays (or whatever day you choose) I let my brain decompress.

I don’t let the anxiety bother me if the day takes over and I’m answering the telephone and email without any real direction.

I never feel like “I got nothin’ done” because I STARTED without direction anyway!

It’s really a cool concept I’ve been teaching my clients for years.

I first came up with the idea to “schedule the chaos” because everyone told me “Joey, you don’t understand…my business is ALL about dealing with whatever comes up”

Hey, I get it.  More than you think I get it.  That’s why my clients are better adjusted and more in control of their lives today.

The secret there is just like I said:  they are ALSO in control of their chaos.

Think about it:

MOST people have a day like Freedom Friday EVERY DAMN DAY.

They have ZERO control.

They deal with shit that comes up every hour and lose focus on what they were actually working on.

They believe multitasking is an art…but have no clue why it takes so long to get things done or worse, why they’ve forgotten  about a bunch of stuff.

Don’t even ASK them about a “plan” for the week.

Here’s a ‘scheduling tactic’ from my earlier days that I can’t stand now “we’ll see what comes up”.

Does THAT not SCREAM reactionary???

They’re missing practical, objective business building advice that actually works.

I’m just disgusted that people are not getting the quality of business advice they deserve.


Tangent. (That’s my ADD kicking in)

Anyhoo, back to the ones that are in control.

I thought it would be cool to do the reverse of what everyone else is doing on Fridays…especially in the corporate world.

You know the type.  The one’s who have to “wrap things up” before they leave for the weekend.

It’s a panic to finish things up because they’ve been bouncin’ from one thing to another and client to client all week long.

No direction, no control.

So WE, you and I… are using Freedom Fridays to REVIEW what’s happened over the week.  To celebrate the small wins.

And yea, if there’s things to still need cleaning up still, let’s do ’em.

But we’re not STESSIN’ about it right? Because if we are, that means we didn’t do what we set out to on Monday in the first place.

And THAT’S where we need to fix our business if that’s the case!

– Joey

One question for you:  What’s YOUR Freedom Friday look like?  What are you celebrating by OWNING your life and your business?  Drop me a note below

Oh yea, don’t forget to share this and tweet it out. It’s too important for your friends not to know about it!


Business & Personal Development, coaching & mentoring, Financial Freedom, mindset, Organization, productivity, real estate investing in Canada, success

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  1. I always have a plan for the week, but used to try to jam every day full of productive tasks without leaving time for “chaos” or things that would pop up during the week. Freedom Friday for me has become about trying not to schedule meetings or tasks and just having a day to handle any chaos, leftovers, and start to transition into the weekend. Great concept.

  2. For sure Andrew…that’s a great way to end the week. As long as you’re not stressin’ out if you don’t complete the items. If you are, that means you’ve either taken on too much during the week or have strayed away from what the week’s plan was in the first place.

    The “pop ups” are cool and that’s why they “fit” into Freedom Friday. Today for me is one of those “pop up” days with new tenants moving in ahead of time 🙂

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